haralabos voulgaris blog


  • haralabos voulgaris blog

    At Hellenic Cables, Haralabos Voulgaris has 17 colleagues including Alexios Alexiou (Managing Director), Konstantinos Laios (Vice Chairman of the Board)… I was reading a really great article recently about Haralabos Voulgaris who is well known for being a poker player in the states but also, more interestingly for us, a high rolling professional sports bettor.. Van Gundy, in turn, required its own feeder tool, one that would track the overall roster patterns for each team, the trades, the draft picks, the midseason player-acquisition tendencies. The post was titled “Hilarious Haralabos.” In fact, looking back I think that was probably … In 2007 the Whiz basically spun his wheels striving to build a model on his own during his first offseason in Voulgaris’ employ. Like the advanced trading systems operating on Wall Street, the models used by this technologically adroit breed of sports bettor are sometimes called black boxes. In one unguarded moment, he tells me, “You can’t do this forever.”, When I visit him in LA over the summer, he and the Whiz are working to finish several potential alterations to Ewing, incorporating offseason player movements and adjusting the model to account for the weird data produced by the 2011-12 campaign. So Voulgaris and the Whiz created, for Ewing, an aging component. The younger Voulgaris recalls that his biggest bet the whole trip came on an Atlanta-Golden State game, $100 on the spread, “which I lost.” These were formative times. From the late 1990’s to the early 2000’s, Haralabos Voulgaris (a.k.a. Oklahoma City’s Kendrick Perkins “is more valuable guarding Dwight Howard than he is guarding Shane Battier,” Voulgaris says. “Unless you know what you’re doing.” By the time the younger Voulgaris was enrolled at the University of Manitoba, working as a skycap at the airport and betting small amounts on the NBA and CFL, he and his brother -- two of four siblings in all -- were paying their parents’ rent. If his return on investment (ROI) fell from 20 percent to, say, 5 percent, that was okay. Mit Standort twittern. If we’re right, we make money.”. Respected poker vet Haralabos Voulgaris did just that though in a new blog post with his insider thoughts on Full Tilt heroes and villains. Supported by Greenhaven Road Capital, finding value off the beaten path. 2.28K. “50-50?” I ask. After five years of success, Bob hit the wall in 2004 when he went on a long run of losses, losing a third of his bankroll in one month. Bob is now working for the Dallas Mavericks. — Haralabos Voulgaris (@haralabob) September 20, 2012 I tell ya what gotta love this edog, gets a 2m loan, receives 4m by mistake, and is still broke enough to file for bankruptcy. Voulgaris’ biography 2. Traditionally in any game of Basketball, more points are scored in the second half as teams use more fouls and time-outs, which results in further possessions and higher scores. After weeks spent poring through code, Voulgaris finally caught the flaw. Their algorithms are proprietary. and how he manages his life and work. There was no rhyme or reason to it. He likes to say that he had no mentors when it comes to his gambling career, but in reality, he did. And with each passing year, their sophistication mounts. At the time of his interview with Voulgaris, he had just quit a high-paying job designing algorithms for an East Coast hedge fund with a roster of Nobel-grade quant talent. Asher Potu August 2, 2019. Their goal is nothing less than a sustainable edge. Credit: Danny Maxwell. He has the canny, quick-minded air of a merchant in a bazaar in the Eastern Mediterranean. Two huge bets -- both for the Lakers to win the title in 1999 and 2000 -- had turned about $80,000 in savings into more than $1 million, his first fat bankroll. “I learned at a young age that it’s tough to beat the house,” he says. Then he and his father made a trip to Las Vegas, where they lived for most of the next two months at Caesars Palace. “But it didn’t.” Eventually, the bookmakers did finally catch on. The relationship got off to a rocky start. This poker tyro brings a lot more to his first WPT final table than meets the eye. “Don’t write ‘degenerate,’ ” Voulgaris tells me. Check out our other articles in the 10 People Who Got Rich On Sports Betting series: Article 1: Brighton FC owner Tony ‘Lizard’ Bloom, Article 2: Brentford FC owner Matthew ‘Moneyball’ Benham, Article 4: Horse Racing millionaire Bill Benter left $118 million in Hong Kong, Article 5: Card-counter Edward Thorp was nearly killed by a casino, Article 6: From the most feared sports bettor in the world to prison, Billy Walters, Article 7: Australian Zeljko Ranogajec who sent a betting exchange bankrupt, Article 8: Taking the emotion out of betting, the story of Jeff Ma, Article 9: James Holzhauer made $2.4M on Jeopardy! Analytics and predictive modeling had “always fascinated me,” he says. "Haralabos Voulgaris is a 29-year-old professional sports bettor from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Sign up with your email address to receive our latest articles and videos to help you improve as a sports trader, Professional Sports Bettor: Jonas Gjelstad RSS, NBA's greatest ever bettor Haralabos Voulgaris, from pro bettor to Mavericks director | 10 PEOPLE WHO GOT RICH ON SPORTS BETTING, smaller bets on edges over a longer amount of time, ← Bill Benter, the Horse Racing millionaire who left $118M in Hong Kong | 10 PEOPLE WHO GOT RICH ON SPORTS BETTING, 10 PEOPLE WHO GOT RICH ON SPORTS BETTING →, How quickly can you make €5,000 from betting? Cantor Fitzgerald, the Wall Street trading firm, started a division called Cantor Gaming in 2008 to operate a sportsbook business in Las Vegas, then acquired the consulting firm that had been the oddsmaker of record for the gambling world. His edge, he realized, was gone. When Voulgaris was 18, he took a gap year between high school and college. But after the disastrous end to the 2004 season, with his edge gone, he decided that he should increase his betting frequency by an order of magnitude but decrease the sums he was putting at risk on each wager. He had scored a perfect 800 on the math portion of the SAT when he was in seventh grade. Now, says Voulgaris, they’ve adjusted Ewing so that it predicts the player most likely to be fouled on any given individual possession, then uses that player’s specific free throw percentage to run its simulation. Bob), made betting look easy, exploiting inaccurate odds on NBA points totals.. For five years, Bob made an absurd amount of money with a winning rate of almost 70% at one point! Haralabos Voulgaris leads a rare life. He couldn’t join his father on the casino floor for his blackjack sessions; he was 18 and underage. Interestingly, Voulgaris has also won over $3 million in poker, so he knows what he is on about. May 20, 2007. If not maybe all.”, In pursuit of this, in 2010 Voulgaris broke one of the cardinal rules of the sharp sports bettor: He sought publicity, conducting interviews with gambling and NBA-centric blogs. One veteran Las Vegas handicapper, who goes by the pseudonym Steve Fezzik, laments, “They’ve left me, and others like me, in the dark ages.” Bayesian methods, Monte Carlo methods, Markov chains, k-nearest neighbor algorithms, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations -- the key advances in statistical analysis, probability theory and predictive modeling have been marshaled toward the object of beating the bookies out of a dime. None of these individuals had a medium gambling salary. It cost him about $10m in distribution payouts he says. He is now retired, according to his lawyer, his whereabouts closely guarded. The stats nerds have no chance of ever becoming general managers. “I don’t even want to allude to what it might be,” he says when I press him, “because I don’t think anyone else is doing anything like it.”, By 2009, once they’d added this mysterious additional model to Ewing’s inner workings -- version 2.0 -- they started making bets based on the scores it produced after the All-Star break. They’re just being used as a resource to mine.” At the end of the contract’s term, in the summer of 2010, Voulgaris decided to end his NBA flirtation and go back to being a gambler. Then it would need to judge the likeliest outcome of each possession: Score or no score; one point, two points or three; micro-forecasts ascertained from historical performance data. His net worth grew into the millions; he also happened to be an avid gambler. The more he wagers, the more he courts ruin. When they see a gambler winning big, bookmakers correct their mistakes. This new approach would require an enormous amount of research and analysis. Responding specifically to the money they saw Voulgaris minting -- though, for the most part, they didn’t yet know the identity of the gambler winning with such consistency -- they forever altered the method by which they set their NBA halftime totals. By the middle of the 2012-13 season, Voulgaris will only say, “This has been one of the more difficult years.”. He won’t quantify exactly how much he gave back to the bookmakers all told except to describe it as a catastrophic time. For years, Voulgaris exploited this edge, playing both sides of it repeatedly. Voulgaris does not wish to have the name of this math whiz appear in print, presumably out of fear that some rival will attempt to find the whiz -- let’s call him the Whiz -- and poach him. After years of testing and adjusting Ewing, Bob returned to the betting arena in 2009 and crushed the second half of the NBA season. After an extremely long blogging hiatus, I have decided to see if I can’t return to blogging some. First he traveled to Greece, visiting the hardscrabble villages -- Argos, Tripoli -- where his parents were born and raised before they immigrated, in their 20s, to Canada. He made his fortune betting on Basketball and still continues to do the same to this very day. They’re learning the right way to make a line. He says he advised his co-owner client on several trades. He developed commercial real estate; he owned and operated a Greek restaurant called Hermes -- the patron god of (among other things) games, sports and sudden enrichment. “But this is literally, like, the greatest thing ever when it comes to sports betting.”, Despite believing himself to be in possession of the world’s most lethal gambling device, Voulgaris, in the middle of Ewing’s second season on the job, nearly walked away from it all.

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